Driver For Unknown Device Windows 10
Unknown USB Device (device descriptor request failed) in Drivers and Hardware Fresh install of Windows 10 and the last driver I need to sort out is the above. I believe it is my powered USB 3 hub to which I plug in my keyboard and mouse. Let’s check out the various ways by which you can download drivers for your computer system while encountering unknown device error. Auto Update via Device Manager This process is quite straight forward. The device manager will recognize the device and install any available latest update for the driver. To find drivers for unknown devices in Windows, we need to access device manager where you can manage all your hardware device drivers. To open device manager in Windows 8, press “Win + X” to open the power user menu and then select the option “Device Manager.” If you are using Windows 7 or Vista, you can search for the device manager. With Unknown Device Identifier, you might immediately convert your unidentified, unknown devices into identified known devices and find the proper driver on the Internet and contact the hardware device manufacturer or vendor. Known devices recognized by Microsoft Windows will also be analyzed independently of the operating system.

After upgrading your system from Windows 7, Windows 8 to Windows 10, there are some devices which cannot recognized by the new system, and it shows as an unknown device in Windows 10. You can try to use the device hardware id to find driver and update it.
What is Hardware ID?
A hardware id matches a computer device to an INF file. It is a vendor-defined identification string. In most occasions, a device contains more than one hardware id. So maybe in hardware id value, you can find 2 value items at least.
This is an example of a hardware id:
VEN_8086 means the vendor id is 8086.
DEV_9D03 means the device is 9D03.
If you need to download drivers with the hardware id, you would need the vendor id and device id.
How to Find Hardware ID for a Device?
When we know hardware id is for a device, we can find the device hardware in device manager as the device manager is to manage all the devices.
1. Open device manager.
2. Find a device such as an unknown device. Right-click it and choose Properties.
3. In the Properties window, locate the Details tab.
4. In details tab, choose Hardware Ids item from the Property drop-down box lists.
5. After the hardware ids option chosen, the value will be listed.
In this image, the Standard SATA AHCI Controller has four hardware ids. And from here we can see this device vendor id is 8086 and device id is 9D03. You can use the vendor id and device id to find the driver.
Using Hardware ID to Find Drivers for Unknown Devices
After you find the hardware ids, you can use it to find drivers, especially when you have one or more unknown devices in device manager.
1. Right-click the hardware id list and choose copy to copy the top one hardware id.
2. Open your Google Search and paste the hardware id. Then find the driver for your unknown device from the results.
Of course, you can also use the website to help you if you know this website. is designed for PCI slot software, maybe it is graphic cards, audio cards, network adapters, etc.
1. Open
2. Type the vendor id and device id you find from the device manager.
Install Driver For Unknown Device Windows 10
From the vendor id search, you will see the device manufacturer and its information. Then you can go to the manufacturers’ website.
From the device search, you will see the device type. And you can go to the manufacturers’ website to download it.
So this is solution about using hardware id to find drivers for a device including the unknown devices.
If you cannot find the unknown devices with the hardware id, you can try to update the unknown devices automatically.
How to Find the Drivers Easily and Fast?
Find Driver For Unknown Device Windows 10
Some people reported that even through using the hardware id to find it from, but there are many drivers that cannot be find. So how to find these drivers?
Here you can use Driver Booster to help you. It is a driver tool which can find all the missing, outdated and faulty drivers. The application scans you computer’s devices and updates drivers automatically from a database of over 3,000,000 drivers and game components.
As a powerful driver tool, it can help users to get the latest graphic driver, audio driver, USB driver, mouse driver, keyboard driver, etc with one click.
Other Devices Unknown Device Windows 10

How To Update All Drivers
1. Download, install and run it on your computer.
2. Click Scan. After that, it will show you how many drivers are missing, how many drivers are outdated and how many drivers are up-to-date. And if there is one or more driver is faulty, it also shows to you.
3. Click Update Now. Select All to update all the drivers or you can select one driver to update it.
Fix Windows Drivers For Free
After all the drivers are installed, you can go to device manager to see if the unknown device drivers are installed.
So from this article, you can find the drivers with hardware id, and even if the hardware cannot find the driver, you can use Driver Booster to update it.
Unknown Device Driver Download For Windows 10
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